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Cocoa Nib Ice Cream

There is another jewel from Alice Medrich’s “Bittersweet”. The book is worth buying for this ice cream recipe along, and for her advice on rescuing seized ganache. The author describes the ice cream flavor as “ rich, clean chocolate … somehow both subtle and dramatic ”. Enough said.

Makes about 3 ½ cups



Bring the cream, milk, nibs, sugar, and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Remove from the heat, cover, and let steep for 20 minutes.

Pour the cream mixture through a fine strainer into a bowl, pressing on the nibs to extract all the liquid. Discard the nibs. Refrigerate, covered, until thoroughly chilled.

Freeze the mixture according to the instructions for your ice cream maker.

You also can add 2 tbsp of fresh nibs (not those used to infuse the cream) into the ice cream in the last stages of freezing. Or, serve the ice cream with nibs sprinkled over the top (my preference).